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A Tendril of Late Spring May 4, 2024 Blog Waking Up Sunday Like... April 28, 2024 Blog All Good April 27, 2024 Blog Stickers April 27, 2024 Blog On Problems April 25, 2024 Essays When I was much less mature, I was fond of bandying about with the phrase, ‘The reward for a job well done is a harder job.’ I used the cliché to Exploring April 20, 2024 Blog Mushroom Bee Shaman April 19, 2024 Blog Crossroads at Axis Mundi March 29, 2024 Blog On Radical Inclusion March 8, 2024 Essays In a lot of my communities, either explicitly or implicitly, the concept of ‘radical inclusion’ come up. For burners, it’s a stated value. For Terms with the Dead March 1, 2024 Essays As a big part of my life, and an even bigger part of my spiritual life, I’ve been focusing on coming to terms with my dead. Most Dog Shit: Practicing Judgment, Practicing Being Hated… February 13, 2024 Essays …but not really. In Two Cheers for Anarchism, James Scott advocates (ethically) practicing breaking rules as necessary and good to be better Normal Heights February 9, 2024 Blog & Home For the last ten years, I’ve been living in Normal Heights in a below market 2 bedroom apartment in a sagging, decaying 8 unit Enlightenment & Reductionism February 9, 2024 Essays I was reading about enlightenment the other day (from a thread on twitter I can no longer find). The basic premise was AI and Art Making January 16, 2024 Blog In my life, I have seen a cambrian explosion of computational machine capabilities. Machines (or more specifically programmed algorithms, neural Kid World August 30, 2023 Blog I’m in kid world, that place where my days are driven by the tempo and rhythm of children (usually but not always my kid). I’m in kid world much, Fatherhood 8 Years In July 19, 2023 Essays Elliott flourishes, and this pleases me. She has friends and family. She has school and her dog. She has more or less good Archival Quality June 12, 2023 Blog I’ve never been much an editor, much less an archivist. That said, I’ve always bucked against my own leanings and biases; felt like I should be a A New Moon June 12, 2023 Blog I lost writing, for a time. It was one of a myriad of things I threw on the pyre of trying to keep a failing marriage going, mortgaging Story Capture June 1, 2023 Essays Human beings live inside stories. Perhaps it is possible -with brain injury or with enlightenment- to live outside them rather than simply take Meditations April 24, 2023 Essays I started writing this when I was 19. I had less chill then, was prone to imagining that hardness would allow me to be what I wanted Next page